

Population: 35 000 000
Area: 3,761,274 kilometres
Capital: Buenos Aires
Language: Spanish
Electricity: 220 volts, 50 Hz
Currency: Argentina Pesos and US Dollars
Holidays: May 8; June 15; 01 Jan; April 9/10; July 9; Aug 17; Oct 12; Dec 25. In some cases if the holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday it is changed to Monday or Friday.
Times: Banks Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm; Shops 9am to 7pm; Downtown shops and shopping centres every day up to 10pm. Coffee shops and restaurants till very late at night.
Climate : Mostly moderate except some areas in the north, which get very hot and some
southern areas very cold.

Explore South America as never before!
SÃO PAULO, PATAGONIA, BODOQUENA, BONITO and more with activities like hot air ballooning, swimming, cruising, hiking, trekking, rafting, canoeing, kite-surfing...
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